It's been three weeks since Ben Cherington and the Boston Red Sox had one of the busiest trade deadlines in history. If you are curious as to what has happened to both the Red Sox and the players who were traded away, keep reading.
After practicing with the Eagles this week, the Patriots will host Chip Kelly's squad tonight for both teams' second preseason game. As are most preseason joint practices, yesterday's practice with the Eagles was open to the public. According to the Patriots there was a record breaking number of fans in attendance. Well, you can count me as one of the 25,317 fans who attended camp on Tuesday. Although I was relatively confined to about 4 square feet of area and a sightline which varied depending on the height and movement of the fans in front of me, I still managed to take some notes on what I saw.
So, I came to Gillette to watch the joint practice between the Patriots and Eagles and now I'm about 2,000 people deep in line. WTH? Not that I've been here often for these, but I've never had to wait like this before. Yes, I admit I've been a total slacker with my blog over the past week. Oh well, life and things like ebola and the Market Basket boycott get in the way. No, I don't have ebola, but I did read an awful lot about it over the weekend. My advice to avoid it and other things like the flu is to simply keep your immune system firing on all cylinders. Also, don't be afraid of running a temperature, it's how your body naturally fights off viruses. Okay, back to football I know.
October 2023