So, I came to Gillette to watch the joint practice between the Patriots and Eagles and now I'm about 2,000 people deep in line. WTH? Not that I've been here often for these, but I've never had to wait like this before.
Anyway, here are some general sports thoughts I had on the drive here.
Ray Allen- Ray was always one of those players that I liked even if he wasn't on my team. When the Celtics got him I was thrilled. Obviously he did a great job while playing for Boston. When he went to Miami to join Lebron although I wasn't thrilled, I still respected him. Now with his recent talk of not retiring and possibly going to Cleveland along with his golfing partner from this weekend, Ray Ray has officially moved onto the dislike list.
Speeding up Baseball- on the drive here they were once again talking about speeding up the game if baseball. As usual they complained about batters and pitchers taking too long. As usual ther was no mention of the leng of commercial breaks. Hmmmm, I wonder why.