The most common reason they are against playing the Super Bowl in an outdoor, cold weather stadium is because they do not want the weather to influence the game. While I understand that reasoning, I can't say that I agree with it. This is football people. Playing in all kinds of weather conditions and field conditions is part of what makes it so great. Maybe this is just a Northeast outlook on football because we all grew up going to high school football games on Thanksgiving morning not knowing what kind of weather we would get. I'd say the most memorable turkey day games always involved some of the white fluffy stuff. As a Patriots' fan I also obviously have some really awesome memories of their games in the snow. The most obvious ones being "plowgate" and Bruschi doing snow angels.
A second reason I've also heard is that the corporations have spent a lot of money so they should get a nice, cozy, indoor, climate controlled environment. UGGGGGGGGG, this reasoning is pathetic. The Super Bowl should obviously be about the game and that's why although I don't agree with playing indoors so weather doesn't affect the outcome, I can at least understand it. Besides the players, coaches, and owners, the game is about the fans of both teams. You know, the people who buy all that NFL apparel, have team logo stickers on their vehicles, plan their Sundays (or Mondays, sometimes Thursdays or possibly Saturdays during the playoffs) around watching their team play?
As a fan I can't stand to see people at games who are there because it's the place to be. I used to actually get nauseous seeing Jennifer Lopez (wow, I had to google her last name) in her fur coat watching Red Sox games with Ben Affleck. Couldn't he have gone to the game with some buddies or something? Maybe putting these games in cold weather stadiums will drive the price of the tickets down enough so real fans can buy tickets on the secondary market if they want to. Deion Sanders was on CSNNE today and he said no one was hitting up for tickets because of the weather. Personally, I think that is terrific.
As a sports fan, I love to go to games. I've been lucky enough to attend several pretty awesome Red Sox and Patriots games in my life. Of course, these games did come with a price and I'm still paying off some of those memories. Unfortunately, I've also missed out on some events because I was priced out of the secondary online market. After traveling to Houston for the Patriots' Super Bowl in 2004 with the intent of buying a ticket down there, I was