- The only reason you are getting a new phone is because you destroyed your old one. Come on, you know that's true. While I haven't had this happen since I got my old Nokia wet roughly 15 years ago, you know it's true.
- Oh, you actually went and got yourself a new phone before breaking your last one? You had to turn in your old phone when buying your new one. While that was the way buying a new phone went 15 years ago, it appears to be the way it is once again. Want to get a new iPhone for less than $650? Well, you better be ready to pony up your old phone or tablet.
- Your old phone is a hand me down. Situation 1 and 2 didn't apply to you? Well, then chances are good that you've handed off your old phone to a family or friend to use.
- Sold it. Yup, you and I both have those friends who always have the latest gadget yet aren't made of money. How do they do it? Well, they typically keep their gadgets in pristine condition and then sell them on ebay or some other website.
- Keeping it as a backup/parts. Yup, I've done that. My iPhone 3S has been pretty useful. Since it has a decent amount of songs on it, I have used it for its playlist many times. Oh, you broke your phone and need to borrow one for a few days. Hell, I went all MacGyver and retrofitted a 4S sim card to fit a 3S for a friend.