- Hall of Famer Jon Morris spoke on behalf of Houston. He said that going up against him in practice made him feel like he didn't belong in the league. Once games started it was a whole different story as he realized that Houston dominated all of his competition in games while Morris did his.
- McGinest shared stories about his mom signing him up for football at a young age and his dad working him hard by making him run with his dogs while wearing a trash bag to lose weight.
- McGinest also let it be known that his mom was not happy with the way things originally ended with the Patriots. Willie asked her if things were all good as he was signing his one day contract so he could "come home" to the Patriots. She nodded her head in approval.
- Belichick probably had the best story of all as he talked about one of the early Super Bowls when McGinest asked if his boy "Snoop" could come down on the field the day before the game. After Belichick said yes he sees "Snoop" down on the field playing ball with his little kids and is just shaking his head. Well it turns out "Snoop" is Snoop Dogg and his son is now a 4 star recruit (Cordell Broadus) who is heading to UCLA. Belichick's daughter was thoroughly excited to see Snoop and pleaded with her dad to get a picture with him. Bill's description of the picture is great. Now to get Amanda to share it with us.