CHARA'S POWERPLAY TIME ON ICE- Claude expected way too much from Chara. After having some success with Zee standing in front of the net blocking opponents' views of incoming shots and possibly redirecting a shot into the net, Claude and his power play became a creature of habit. Over the past two seasons Chara's time on the power play has diminished. I think this move along with letting the young guys use their skating and puck handling has led to a much more energetic hockey team.
Chara's average power play time:
2017-2018- :24
2016-2017- :27
2015-2016- 1:34
2014-2015- 2:06
Chara's recent plus/minus:
2017-2018- +26
2016-2017- +18
2015-2016- +12
2014-2015- 0
Trying to look a little closer at this stat, I counted up all the games in which Chara was a plus or a minus.
Chara's recent plus/minus games:
..................+ games - games
2017-2018- 31 ...........17
2016-2017- 29 ............25
Cassidy- 14 .................7
Julien- 15 .....................18
2015-2016- 30 .............21
2014-2015- 21 .............23