These are the eventual results from having a possession 1st and 10 between the 11 and 15 yard lines. Unsuccessful plays could be losses or gains, they do not result in a touchdown or first down. If a first down was accomplished, that possession's statistics will be carried over to the next section, 1st and Goal.
1st Down- 1 TD, 13 unsuccessful plays
2nd Down- 3 TD, 10 unsuccessful plays
3rd Down- 3 TD, 2 1st downs, 5 unsuccessful plays
4th Down- 4 FG, 1 unsuccessful plays
So when having the ball first in ten just outside the 10 yard line, the Patriots scored a touchdown or got the first down 64.28% of the time. If we throw out the two possessions where they got the first down and just pay attention to the times they scored a touchdown it's 58.33% of the time.
Similar to above, these are the results from when the Patriots had the ball first and goal. There were several penalties which occurred making the number of 1st down plays (39) higher than the number of possessions (33). If a penalty or other loss of yardage happened to New England pushing them beyond the 10, the data is still included here as they did start first and goal.
1st Down- 6 TD, 30 unsuccessful plays, 1 penalty for, 2 penalties against
2nd Down- 6 TD, 22 unsuccessful plays, 1 penalty for, 2 penalties against
3rd Down- 9 TD, 11 unsuccessful plays, 1 interception, 1 penalty for, 1 penalty against
4th Down- 11 FG
Seventeen of the 33 1st and goal possessions started at worst from the 5 yard line. In total, the Patriots were sitting at 1st and 5 or less a total of 21 times.
- 1st and 1- 5 opportunities
- Brady TD on 1st
- Brady TD on 1st
- Michel TD on 3rd
- Burkhead TD on 1st
- FG
- 1st and 2- 3 opportunities
- Bolden TD on 3rd
- Buffalo penalty on 1st- fresh set from 1
- 1st and 3- 2 opportunities
- Brady TD on 2nd
- FG
- 1st and 4- 7 opportunities
- Miami penalty on 2nd down- fresh set from 1
- Burkhead TD on 3rd
- Bolden TD on 1st
- Jets penalty on 3rd- fresh set from 1
- Michel TD on 3rd
- Sanu TD on 3rd
- FG
- 1st and 5- 4 opportunities
- Michel TD on 1st
- FG
- White TD on 2nd
- FG
I got this information from theNFL Penalty Tracker website, hopefully I didn't make any mistakes putting it together as I did start gathering data after last night's loss. If you do find an error, please let me know via the comments or Twitter @BOSsportschick. If you like original content bookmark this page or give me a follow on Twitter or Facebook.