1st Possession of Game-
- Harris +3
- Harris +4
- Harris +7
2nd Possession of Game-
- Harris +7
- Inc
3rd Possession of Game-
- Inc
- Harris +3
- Completion to Meyers +20
- Burkhead +3
4th Possession of Game-
- Inc
Total for First Half-
- 6 rushing attempts
- All positive rushes
- Shortest run was for 3 yards
- net gain was 27 yards
- 5 pass attempts with 4 being inc.
- one completion for 20 yards
- Harris +1 negated by Harry holding
- Completion to Harry +6 (1st and 20)
2nd Possession of 2nd Half-
- Inc
- Inc
- TD pass to Byrd +42
3rd Possession of 2nd Half-
- Harris -2
- Harris -3
- sack -7
- White +8 negated by Thuney penalty
- Completion to Harry +12 (1st and 20)
- Harris +9
- Newton sack -9
4th Possession of 2nd Half-
- Completion to Harris +11
- Completion to Harry +4
- Completion to White +10
- Inc
Total for 2nd Half-
- 3 rushing attempts
- 11 passing attempts
- 3 inc
- 2 sacks
For the Game-
- 9 1st down rushing attempts (7 were successful)
- 16 1st down passing attempts (7 were successful)